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3 Book Bundle For Wives

3 Book Bundle For Wives - 32% OFF - Promotional Bundle - Marriage After God
3 Book Bundle For Wives - 32% OFF - Promotional Bundle - Marriage After God
3 Book Bundle For Wives - 32% OFF - Promotional Bundle - Marriage After God
3 Book Bundle For Wives - 32% OFF - Promotional Bundle - Marriage After God

Customer Reviews

Based on 39 reviews
What Every Married Woman Needs

This bundle was a hidden gem that not only strengthened my daily intimate devotion time with the Father but also intimacy with my husband. It allowed me to face hard truths about marriage and even though i am a newly wed, I got a ton of gems to apply to my everyday life. I do recommend this bundle to others on the journey!

Helpful Resources

These resources are helping me to be a better wife and to pray for my husband when I see he is struggling or just because I know he needs it. They are a blessing to my life!

unveiled wife

life changing. reading it again to dig in deeper

Great purchase

So thankful that I came across this when I did. I've sensed God's presence and peace while reading through the Unveiled Wife book and praying through Thirty-One Prayers for my Husband. I did both of these at the same time and will begin Wife After God next. I have been drawn nearer to the Lord and am so thankful for Jennifer's ability to speak life.

Lakeisha C.
Great Resource!

This book set has been such a blessing to me!